Cat and Mouse
Why do we shun emotion?
Tears and pain
On a train our instinct is to surreptitiously pull our hoody up
And halt the flow
Dart out at the next stop
Cover our face
And make for shelter as if caught in a torrential rain storm
Bad character
Like we haven’t showered for 4 days
Lack of ambition and progress
But no.
Dance in the rain
Sing its tune with pride
Onlookers will stand and applaud
Now adoring fans
Cheering, standing and clapping,
Sparking champagne
You smile, bow and wave
Tears still streaming
Red faced
We all want to be seen
And tears hold up a mirror for us to see ourselves
Tears are the clearest sign of being alive;
That you feel and love and understand
That you’re swimming in self-awareness
Let’s sing our own tears
Why not?
Swirl them around your mouth like a velvety hot chocolate
Don’t play cat and mouse
Seize them
Chew down on their flavour
Because emotions are warm
And you can walk through the desert
But find an oasis deep in the soul
It’s 5.35am
My Dad used to get up for work at this time
I’m making tea and toast
Mema (my cat) is chasing a mouse
I know she’ll catch it soon